Is Incest Necessary?

I’m working on a new book. This one is a little different from the usual. It’s a period piece, set in the summer of 1895, on a country estate in England. It’s also a multi-viewpoint story, mostly told in the form of diary and journal entries, with the occasional letter, telegram, or newspaper clipping tossed in. It’s a style that was fairly common in the late 19th century, but isn’t encountered that often today. Or “to-day,” as they would have spelled it then.

Naturally, as this is one of my books, there’s a lot of sex. The terminology is a bit different than what I usually use. There are no pussies, cocks, dicks, pricks, or snatches, for instance. There are quims, some of them quivering, organs, manhoods (rampant and otherwise), secret depths, nether lips, and the occasional cunt (a surprisingly ancient word, as it happens, which can even found as an allusion and/or pun in Shakespeare). Setting a book in 1895 means adjusting vocabulary to fit the period, and even though the “quoted” writings are private, and purportedly set down in a secret cipher, the “naughtiness” quotient is somewhat dictated by the period and the social class of the writers. So is the spelling, so please don’t ding me about that. Victorians put hyphens in a lot of words we don’t: to-day, to-night, dark-room, cow-boy, and so forth. They also tended to abbreviate “et cetera” as “&c.” rather than “etc.”

What I’m wondering about is whether I should cut out the incest. Even though it takes a while to get there, the main “issue” is a vampire moving into the neighborhood. It takes a while to get there because, up to that point, I spend a lot of time establishing the relationship between Lady Anna and her visiting school chum, Susanne. In Dracula, Stoker obliquely implied that Mina and Lucy may have experimented with lesbianism while at school together.  With Lady Anna and Susanne, it’s not so much implied as overt. They were getting it on with each other on those cold nights at school, and they’re still getting it on now that they’re together again after Susanne takes a three-week holiday on Lady Anna’s estate.

It’s a rather “decadent” household. Lady Anna’s brother, Edwin, Earl of Muntglare, is a dedicated amateur photographer, whose favorite subjects are nude women, his sister included. When he organizes a photography session with his sister and Susanne, things just sort of happen between the two women, and he can’t help getting involved himself. The question I now have is whether I keep the sisterly blowjob, or have him get it on with Susanne instead.

The difference between those outcomes could easily be the difference between the book appearing in Kindle or being banned from Amazon, like most of my other books. Of the six books I currently have on sale, only one of them, One Room, can be found at Amazon. That one has its share of fucking, but no one is related, so it can be sold. The others are only at Lot’s Cave, and a few other outlets where they don’t worry so much about incestuous or other “kinky” content.  The new book might just be good enough to go more mainstream, rather than fetish, so I’m going to have to decide which it will be.

I also need to decide what I’m going to call it, but that’s another issue entirely.


International Blasphemy Day

Today is International Blasphemy Day, so be sure to get out there and insult the god of your choice.

This is going to be one of those serious posts, despite the lead. Because blasphemy is serious. Americans are free to speak against God, or make fun of him, or to simply ignore him. That’s not the case in many other countries. If the evangelicals have their way, it won’t be the case here, either.

In a number of Muslim countries, blasphemy can be punished by death. The same applied to Christian countries until fairly recently, a couple hundred years or so. A long time for individuals, but for humanity as a whole, not that long at all.

A couple posts back, I put up a story about Adam and Eve, after being expelled from the Garden of Eden, figuring out how sex worked, and the idea that this was why God created them in the first place, because he was bored and wanted to watch them having sex. “And on the eighth day, God created voyeur porn,” or something like that.

It’s been said, not always jokingly, that the major passtime for the dead in Heaven is watching their descendants fucking. I don’t personally believe that. I tend to feel that once you’re dead you’re simply dead, no longer exist in a conscious form, and consequently never actually realise you’ve died because you’re no longer there to notice.

In Saudi Arabia, posting that paragraph could get me executed, if I were Muslim. Which I’m not. What I am is, according to my mother, “a poor, lost sinner who’ll surely spend eternity burning in hell.” Christians are so fucking charitable about that sort of thing. What’s the best way to raise your children in your faith? Scare the living shit out them, obviously. Anyway, that would make me a lapsed Baptist, and a former member of the 2nd Baptist Faith in Jesus Tabernacle. Except, I’m not sure “lapsed” is the right word. Lapsed implies a temporary pause, like a lapsed driver’s license, which can be renewed. I find it very unlikely I’ll ever renew that membership, or even encounter any real evidence gods exist.

No, what I am is an atheist. One of the classical ones. I don’t hate God. Sorry, very few atheists do, no matter how big a cliche that is in evangelical belief. We don’t hate Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Jesus, Vishnu, or Odin, either. God’s just a fictional character, invoked to explain a lot of shit that science hadn’t yet caught up with. Where did the universe come from? What is life? Why am I here? These are questions today, and they were questions in the bronze age, too, but with fewer answers.

Science still hasn’t caught up with that last one, but I think philosophy has. The correct answer is probably, “No particular reason. You just are.” Just because you feel like there should be a reason for everything doesn’t mean there actually is one.

Saying that is blasphemy, too, by the way. Believers generally believe that God is actively guiding the world, ordering things, only putting people here with a special reason. When you confront a Stalin, or a Hitler, or a Mao, or a Pol Pot, you do find yourself wondering just what sort of purpose any of them could serve. Unless you’ve read the Old Testament, after which you might just be able to remember what a genocidal asshole God actually declared himself to be.

Saul lost his kingdom because he pissed off God by failing to slaughter the Amalekite king, Agag, and sparing some of the cattle to offer them as sacrifices in the Tabernacle. Notice he was going to kill the cattle in any case, so his crime was not wasting them, not not killing them. So Samuel declared that God had abandoned Saul, then took a sword and chopped up Agag.

Even when we were learning about this in high school, I found this story a little hard to buy. Did Saul piss off God? Or did he just piss off Samuel, who was, after all, the one actually issuing the orders? Just because the old “prophet” intoned, “Thus saith the Lord,” (we were pretty much a King James Bible type of school), that doesn’t mean the Lord actually said it. Maybe God wasn’t a genocidal asshole. Maybe Samuel was.

Or maybe Samuel was just making this stuff up as he went along. Maybe he was a control-freak psychopath who wanted to see just how far he could get the king to go. Because, if you look at that story, it seems fairly obvious that Samuel had the real power and merely used the king to exercise it. Just as the religious right today tries to manipulate any politician they can influence.

And, of course, it’s also possible that Samuel himself was invented by a later writer. The young George Washington never chopped down that cherry tree, or made that “I cannot tell a lie,” admission of his childish misdeed. That was just something Parson Weems made up and threw into his biography because he thought it would provide a good example for young children.

It’s the same with a lot of people in the Bible. There’s no evidence that Moses ever existed or, for that matter, that a huge mass of Hebrews spent forty-years camped in the Sinai. There’s no evidence that the Hebrews moved into Canaan and conquered it, displacing the native people, though there does seem to be a decent amount of evidence suggesting there were always there and simply expanded and took over their neighbors’ countries over the course of several hundred years.

There’s independent evidence that Saint Paul was a real person, as well as fairly conclusive textual evidence that he didn’t write several of the Epistles that bear his name. Paul’s own writings also suggest he was unfamiliar with a living Jesus, and regarded him not as a flesh and blood man, but as a purely spiritual manifestation of God. The Pauline Epistles, the genuine ones, are older than the gospels, and the Jesus of the gospels almost never says anything that isn’t a direct quote from the Old Testament or early proto-rabbinic sources. In other words, he appears exactly as you’d expect a fictional person to appear if the purpose was the “prove” that particular prophecies had been fulfilled.

There may be independent confirmation of Paul, but there is exactly zero non-biblical contemporary documentation of anything that Jesus was supposed to have done, or even that he existed at all.

Even Jesus’ answer to the “greatest commandment” question is a quote from scripture (not to mention the Jewish daily prayers). In Mark his answer is, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, is one Lord.” Matthew’s version starts after that line, probably because someone noticed that what Jesus supposedly said was a flat denial of trinitarian doctrine. It’s mildly embarrassing when a third of your divine trinity doesn’t actually believe there is such a thing and says so in your holy book.

Oh, by the way, Jesus was a Pharisee. His complaints about them were a call for improvement by a member of the group, sort of like the handful of remaining Republicans in the GOP calling for a return to basic principles and an ouster of the plutocrats, fascists, Dixiecrats, and religious lunatics who’ve managed to take over since the 1980s. A rabbi friend of mine tells me that Jesus’ opinion on divorce identifies him as a follower of Bais Shammai, the stricter of the two scholarly schools of the time. The other, Bais Hillel, which prevailed, was a lot more lenient. Hillel (yes, the guy the campus Jewish outreach program is named after) didn’t require the wife to commit adultery before he’d allow a divorce. Burning her husband’s dinner was sufficient grounds.

So, I guess that’s enough blasphemy for now. I don’t suppose you were expecting this from an erotica writer, but I did blackmail that idiot pervert of a preacher into paying for an Ivy League education. Maybe I was paying attention.

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How Dirty Do You Go?

This is always a question for anyone writing erotica. Just how dirty do you make your book or story? Do you try to keep it tame enough to appear in the bigger markets? Or do you go into areas that a lot of people think of as perversions, limiting sales to the handful of outlets that sell that sort of thing?

These two, and more, can be found in my members’ area.

I do both. Of my four currently-published books, three are in the specialist category, and one is more basic erotica. There are three more books at the publisher now, which should be on sale soon, again in the specialist area. By specialist, I mean there’s some adult incest involved. And there might be a brief mention of a horse somewhere.

Honestly, this is more a marketing decision than a literary one. Erotica sells, and for some reason the kinkier types sell better than the tamer variety. Back before Amazon started cracking down, if you published essentially identical books, but in one you made the characters unrelated, and in the other you made them siblings, the second one would sell in the hundreds of copies in the same time it took the other to sell a couple dozen.

That’s one of the dirty little secrets of the erotica genre. A very large proportion of incest erotica is simply non-incest stories with a relationship added. If you have a guy in a threesome with a pair of bisexual waitresses, you gain some extra sales if you make them sisters. That sort of thing. School friends become siblings, an older neighbor becomes an uncle or a father. It doesn’t take much.

You can get on line with a cute gal while you wank if you go to Chaturbate.

Amazon, of course, doesn’t take any of it. Not if they notice it, which they eventually do. One anthology I was a part of, though not using this pen name, was a perennial favorite on Amazon for several years, until someone noticed that a lot of the characters were related to each other, and the rest were mostly in high school (but all over 18). How they managed to miss it for so long is a mystery, considering the title was Loving Families and Naughty Schooldays, which would seem to provide adequate clues about the contents. And, if the title didn’t, the blurb certainly did, in the usual, carefully implied but not quite stated way. You can still buy the book, but you have to get it from Lot’s Cave now.

I love the name, Lot’s Cave. I went to one of those ridiculous Christian schools back home in Atlanta. You know the ones, where the cheerleaders dress like it’s still the Truman administration, and biological diversity is staunchly asserted to be the result of Noah dropping off different animals in different places. We spent a lot of time reading the Bible. Parts of it, anyway. It’s surprising how much is essentially just ancient porn. The story of Lot and his two daughters is one of the better incest stories.

Obviously not Lot or his daughter, but it’s a pretty girl with a nice cock in her mouth, so I’ll settle for that. The full set is in the members’ area.

In case you don’t remember, after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his two daughters took refuge in a cave near Zoar. Hiding there, they believed the entire world had been destroyed, not just those cities, and there’d be no one for them to marry. Since the two daughters, who were presumably the same two virgins their father had offered to the rape gang outside his house a few days earlier, wanted children, they decided to get him drunk and sleep with him.

I really don’t believe this for a minute. Leave aside that I think most of the Bible is just a collection of old myths, and has about as much to do with reality as Dracula, the situation just doesn’t work for me. Have you ever tried to have sex with a guy who’s so drunk he’s passed out? He needs to be reasonably sober, and conscious, if you expect him to get hard. So, just based on that, I’d say Lot knew what was going on. Given the anti-feminist stance of the Bible, it wouldn’t surprise me if the whole thing wasn’t his idea.

That’s the thing. If you use the Bible as a literary guide, you can reasonably include all sorts of perversions. Abraham was married to his half-sister, Lot fucked both of his daughters, all four of Jacob’s wives were sisters, two full, two half, Song of Songs spends a good deal of time rhapsodizing about breasts, love, and, if you’re paying attention, cunt  licking. Reading between the lines, it seems fairly obvious that Jesus was gay (never married, spent all his time hanging around with a dozen guys, and just before his death turned over responsibility for caring for his mother to the disciple he “loved”). You’ll never convince an evangelical of it, but it’s really kind of obvious he was more into guys than gals.

I don’t know if I’ve actually answered the original question. I tend to go pretty far in my writing, mostly involving incest and pee play. Others may not. It really does boil down to a question of where you want to sell. One Room, which you can find on Amazon, is about two completely unrelated lovers. Freaky Farmers, which is only available from Lot’s Cave, triplets having sex, a guy screwing his mother, a hot babe sucking off her brother by the pool, and two sets of siblings (and cousins) screwing around both separately and together.


That First Time

International Blasphemy Day isn’t until next Saturday, but there’s nothing like getting an early start when it comes to screwing around with imaginary overseers. I just found myself wondering what it was like for those two imaginary ancestors of humanity, after they finished eating and found themselves evicted. So this story, more or less, happens between Gen. 3:24 and 4:1.

Okay, not exactly the gates to the Garden of Eden guarded by an angel with a flaming sword, but doesn’t it look like a place you’d like to get into?

Adam and Eve stood on the gravel path leading up to the gate and didn’t care for what they saw. An angel was blocking the gate. He wasn’t one of those nice, benevolent looking angels, either. He was one of the nasty ones, face all screwed up in an appropriately wrathful expression, glowing with righteous indignation. Partly, he was indignant because that was his job, and partly he was indignant because he was a angel. Angels were usually handsome and perfect, while he was wrathful and perfect, which might have been okay except for the being an angel part, since perfection apparently didn’t include having genitals. He was as sexless as a plastic boyfriend doll. He was also waving a flaming sword in front of them if they got too close, and that could get a little boring after a while.

“Well,” Adam said, after a while, “this really sucks.”

“You shouldn’t have eaten that fruit,” the angel commented. Scary as he looked, his voice was surprisingly high pitched. It was like Godzilla talking in the voice of Barney Fife, Adam would have thought, if he’d ever heard of either of them.

“It was her idea,” Adam reminded the angel. He was starting a precedent. If there’s blame for something, make sure you blame somebody else.

“No,” Eve said, “it was that damned snake.”

“You said ‘damned,'” the angel pointed out, shaking a finger at her.

“Well, God took away his legs and cursed him, so I think it fits.”

“She’s got a point,” Adam said.

“Okay, fine,” the angel conceded, “the snake is damned. You still can’t come back in. The boss said so.”

“But the snake,” Eve objected. “That sneaky bugger is still in there.”

“You two have free will,” the angel declared. “He was just doing his job and being a snake. So it’s your fault.”

“Yeah, but we didn’t know that until afterwards,” Adam complained. “Your boss can be a little cryptic, you know.”

“That’s just his mysterious ways. That’s how he works. Mysteriously. Because he’s mysterious in his mysterious ways.”

Adam shook his head. “Overtly would be better,” he said. “Then we’d at least know if we were fucking up or not. I mean, honestly, we screw up, so God is going to send our ten-thousandth-great-grandchild to hell for eternity because of that?”

“It does sound a little extreme,” Eve agreed.

“I don’t know,” the angel said. “Maybe. He won’t be sending anyone to hell for the next 4,000 years or so. The Christians need to invent it first. Mostly, I think he’ll just kill people and that’ll be the end of it.”

“I don’t much care for that, either,” Adam said.

“What’s a Christian?” Eve asked.

“I’m not entirely sure,” the angel admitted. “I found them mentioned in our library up in heaven, but the boss hasn’t quite decided how to  do them yet. To be honest, the bookmaker angels are already giving 9:1 odds that they’ll just be a lot trouble.”

“So, you’re definitely not letting us back in?” Adam asked.

“Not a chance. Anyway, once you two get on your way, I’m supposed to pack up the whole place and move it to Missouri.”


“I’m not sure. Some guy named Smith wanted it done.”

“Some guy?” Adam asked. “I thought there was only the two of us.”

The angel shrugged eloquently, his arms wide-spread. The flaming sword sliced off a large branch that overhung the wall.

“Oops,” the angel said. “Well, one less thing to pack, I suppose.” He looked at Adam and Eve and let just the slightest hint of compassion cross his wrathful face. “Look, I don’t know who the guy is. I think he’s somewhere way up in the future, but he needs the garden to be in Missouri for some reason. Now, go on, get out of here.”

The two humans shrugged. Hitching up his rabbit-skin loincloth, Adam headed off down the path, with Eve walking dejectedly by his side. They walked for hours, until they came to a pleasant brook under a cliff, with a convenient cave for shelter.

“Looks like a good place,” Adam said. “We’ve got water, and a place to sleep, and there should be fish in the brook.”

Eve was a little tired after their hike, but found herself remembering something else God had told them. “You know,” she said, “I’m noticing a desire for you. You think we should fuck?”

Adam considered. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt,” he said.

“Oh, good.” Eve quickly threw off the rabbit-skin bikini she was wearing.

“You know, ” Adam said, shucking his loincloth, “all that time we were running around naked, I never really noticed how hot you are.”

“Is that supposed to look like that?” Eve asked. “It always used to just hang there, didn’t it?”

“Sure. But I kind of like it this way. Feels good.”

“But if it stays that way for more than four hours, you should see a doctor,” a heavenly voice intoned.

They both looked around, but saw no one.

“What’s a doctor?” Eve asked.

Adam merely shrugged. “No idea. I’m not even sure what an hour is.”

“He never explains anything, does he?”

“No,” Adam agreed. “I guess we really are on our own.” He embraced his wife, trapping his magnificent member between them.

Eve suddenly pushed him away. “I just thought of something,” she said. “God made you out of clay, right?”

“Uh huh.”

“And then he made me out of one of your ribs, no?”

“Yeah, right.” He pointed down at his trembling timber. “Pay some attention to this, why don’t you?”

“Well, it’s just that, if I was made from one of your ribs, doesn’t that technically make me your twin sister?”

“I’m not sure. It might, I suppose. Or maybe it means you’re really me, but prettier.”

“So if we fuck, it’s either incest or you’re fucking yourself, and it’s a weird kind of  masturbation? Something like that?”

“I never really thought about it.”

“Oh, just fuck her,” the heavenly voice intoned. “There isn’t anybody else.”

“It’s a philosophical problem,” Adam said. “It needs answered.”

“It’s not a philosophical problem,” the voice said. “Philosophy hasn’t been invented yet. Just get to it.”

“Are you planning to watch?” Eve asked. She was starting to feel shy again.

Not a sound was heard from the heavenly voice. It was not for the human to know that they’d been created mostly because God was bored, and wanted to watch porn, but there hadn’t been any people yet, so he’d made a couple, figuring they’d sooner or later start fucking and give him something to watch.

And He said, “Let there be oral,” and there was oral; and he saw that it was good.

Eve had an idea. She got down on her knees and started sucking Adam’s cock. She decided she didn’t care if he was genetically her brother. How could she? He was the only man there was and, besides, God had stopped them with the fruit only half-eaten, so they’d just got the notes, not the whole knowledge package, and she didn’t know what genes were.

“Praise me,” God said to himself. “The ingenious little buggers have invented oral!”

“Uh, wait a minute,” Adam said.

“For what?” Eve asked. “And what’s this white stuff you’re squirting all over my face?”

“Well,” Adam said, “I’m not sure, but it feels really good doing it. No, I was just thinking, if we’re going to be fucking, shouldn’t we be married first?”

Eve looked around, gesturing. “Do you see a priest anywhere?”

“No. But I’m fairly sure God wanted us married.”

God was a little frustrated. The blowjob was nice, but he wanted more. Guess I’ll have to handle this, he thought.

“Hey, you two. I now pronounce you husband and wife. Adam, you may now fuck the bride. In my name I pray. Now get to it.”

And so Adam knew his wife, who was genetically his sister and also himself, and before long Eve had popped out Cain and Abel, and she was already tired of the whole thing, which is why she named Abel “Abel.” Of course, she called him “Havel,” really, which is how the name is pronounced in Hebrew, and it means “futility.” She probably should have considered that more carefully.

Buy my books at Lot’s Cave.

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Biologists suggest that one of the things that allows for a species to prosper is “reciprocal altruism.” If the members of the species cooperate with each other, then the individuals within that species have a better chance to become adults, mate, and produce offspring. The principle seems to work. At least, most of the time it seems to work. You do something for me, I’ll do something for you. And if not directly for me, or directly for you, for someone among our affinity group, whose own enhanced chances for survival will tangentially enhance ours.

Perfectly illustrating the idea of reciprocity. Do unto me as you would like done unto you. (Posed by professional models. Full set will be in my member’s section shortly.)

This works with sex, too. Basic fucking is, of course, mutually beneficial when it comes to species survival. If people stop fucking, then they’ll also stop having babies, and eventually there’s no next generation and everybody dies off. So, if we’re going to have a next generation, people need to fuck.

But that’s not the only reason for sex. While I don’t believe that humans are unique in actually enjoying sex, we certainly seem to spend more time seeking it out than other animals. We do seem to be the species most likely to have sex simply because we enjoy it.

I certainly enjoy it. And I want a certain amount of reciprocity myself. Particularly, that means I expect to cum. None of this, you get off and I don’t shit. If you cum before I do, either you keep going–not always practical as men age, but try anyway–or you get down there and start eating.

In fact, if your goal is convincing me to suck your cock, you can certainly help your case by first worshipping at the altar of my clitoris. A lot of men don’t know how to do that, but I’m often quite happy to do a little teaching. I like a bit of delicacy in tongue action. And don’t just lazily lick in one place. Explore a little. See how far you can get your tongue inside. Be a man.

Unless you’re a woman. But, of course, if you’re a woman, you most likely already know what feels good.

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The Conscience of the Nation

That’s one of the things a President is supposed to be. That’s also one of the things our current “leader” isn’t. I frequently doubt that the man even knows what a conscience is.

I suppose I could give him the benefit of the doubt. When he says there are good people on both sides, I could allow that he’s just trying to be fair. I could, but I won’t. The problem with “fair and balanced,” to borrow a phrase from a network that rarely is, is that both terms are highly subjective. Fair to whom? What do you mean by “balanced?”

Conservatives are particularly disposed to argue in favor of presenting both sides of issues that have only one side. Evolution is about as thoroughly proven as anything can be without access to a TARDIS to hop back in time and actually observe it happening. Creationism, on the other hand, can provide no evidence at all in its favor. So the “other side” Conservatives want taught in school turns out not to be a side at all. True, they’re not pushing Creationism any more, since the courts have ruled it to be a religious doctrine, not a scientific one. Now they call it “Intelligent Design,” despite tons of evidence that if we were designed at all, it was done so poorly that it would seem intelligence had little to do with it. And, of course, it didn’t. Evolution puts the esophagus behind the trachea, which is a remarkably bad arrangement for a being who eats while upright, but works sensibly enough in four-legged creatures who eat with their heads relatively inverted.

There is a generally laudable tendency for Americans to side with the underdog. Usually that’s fine. But there are times when it’s stupid. Strictly speaking, both the Confederates and the Nazis were the underdog, since they both lost. But that breaks down when you consider what they were fighting for. The Confederates fought the war to insure they’d continue to be able to own other human beings (or, if they didn’t own slaves, to insure that others still could, because a free white man would still be better than a slave, even if he had nothing), and the Nazis fought to insure they’d be able to continue murdering other human beings. Their causes were lost, but they were lost because, morally, they were unjustifiable to begin with.

Fine, sure, God thinks slavery is just peachy. It says so all over the Bible, both testaments. Most Christian denominations didn’t condemn slavery until after the Civil War. Most of them also put it about that their condemnation came much earlier, and a ridiculous number of people today believe that antedated lie. If you think the mainstream Protestant churches were anti-slavery and pro-integration, ask yourself why there’s an African Methodist Episcopal Church. It isn’t because the Methodists were happily welcoming black people into the church from the beginning.

If you’re marching down the street waving a Nazi flag, don’t be shocked if I call you a Nazi. You’re thirty-years-old, so you obviously didn’t capture that flag while tramping through Germany in 1945 with the 82nd Airborne Division.  You bought the thing because it represents your political outlook, that blacks should know their place, and that Jews should be exterminated, or at least forced to move to Israel. You’re marching to “defend” statues that represent what you think of as your heritage, despite the annoying fact that most of them were put up in the 20th century and sited in front of the courthouse as a reminder to local blacks that the courthouse, and particularly the voter rolls found there, were for the benefit of whites. Older southern courtrooms, city halls and country commission meeting rooms nearly all have balconies. That’s not to accommodate an overflow crowd, but so that any blacks attending trials or meetings could be stuck upstairs where the white people wouldn’t have to see them. The last thing a black man in 1940 Georgia wanted was to be on the main floor in the courtroom, because 95% of the time that meant he was the defendant, and the other 5% probably a witness whose testimony would be accepted, or ignored, more or less in direct relation to whether it supported the prosecution or the defense.

It often seems to me that Conservatives are binary people. They don’t think more than two options can ever exist. Everything is zero sum. If black people gain a right, that means white people lose one. If you let gay people marry each other, straight people’s marriages will become meaningless. If a computer projection on climate change isn’t 100% accurate, then climate change is a myth. If a clerk in a store says “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas,” it’s because there’s a liberal war on Christmas, and not because the clerk couldn’t reliably identify your religion just by looking at you. If the Bible says the world is only around 6,000-years-old, and science says it’s more like 4.3-billion, science has to be wrong, because it’s obvious a bronze age shepherd who could talk directly to God would know more about it than a modern scientist. (Strange that God stopped talking to people about the same time they started to understand a little about how the world actually worked, isn’t it?)

There are people in this country who would love to bring back blasphemy laws, so that atheists could be punished for their disbelief. Fundamentalist Christians think atheists hate God, which is ridiculous. It’s hard to hate something you don’t believe exists. Most atheists really don’t care about God at all. If they object to Ten Commandment monuments on courthouse lawns, invocations at high school football games, or changing the proper motto of the United States (E pluribus Unum; out of many, one) to the obviously sectarian “In God We Trust,” they’re in good company. James Madison, who wrote the first amendment they claim to be defending, would have happily told them they’re wrong. Madison stated quite clearly that even having congressional and military chaplains was unconstitutional if they were being paid with government funds. He also admitted he probably couldn’t do anything about it, but he still made the original intent of the law clear.

It should be fairly obvious by now that Trump isn’t really competent to be President. Whether or not he’s actually a racist himself, he won’t condemn them, which is just as bad. He doesn’t seem to understand that he isn’t running a real estate company any more, and can’t just tell people what to do and expect them to do it. This is someone who has actually tried to threaten members of Congress who didn’t do what he told them to.

And yet, bad as he is, what’s the solution? The House could vote to impeach him, and if the Senate voted to convict, he could be ousted. But if that were to happen, Vice President Pence would assume the office. Do we really want to go from someone who is merely incompetent and venial to someone who is competent and actually evil?

As Yul Brynner would say in The King and I, “It’s a puzzlement.”

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Moronite Mythology

The Gods Are Horny is based on Moronite mythology. The Moronites were an ancient Middle Eastern culture, mostly confined to the mountainous areas of what is now Lebanon. They existed earlier than the more familiar cultures found in the Bible, and had their own distinct mythology.

That’s the story, at least. It’s also possible I just made the whole thing up, just like most religions, except the only way I want to profit from it is by selling a few books to my horny fans. As religions go, the one followed by the Moronites has some distinct advantages over most of the others.

Unused illustration for The Gods Are Horny. It proved to be less trouble to leave the drawings out.

For one thing, it’s relentlessly peaceful. If the Moronites could be said to have a motto, it would probably be, “Fuck, don’t fight.” These are people whose temple rituals include the high priestess fucking a sacred phallic idol on the main altar, followed by the high priest cumming on an idol of their principal goddess, with a little help from the priestess, who’d give him a blow job to get him going properly. This is all in front of the congregation, who presumably watched in reverential awe.

If you were thankful for something, you’d go to the temple and seek the blessing of one of the attendant priestesses, who would consecrate your good fortune by sucking your cock and swallowing your cum. If you were a woman, of course, she’d eat your pussy instead. Being a priestess was a highly honored calling, and significantly raised a young woman’s status as a potential marriage partner once her term was concluded. One of them even married a demigod, Naloro, who was sort of the Moronite Heracles. His mother was a young woman named Zara, who’d been noticed by Oroyna, the chief (earthly) god. He popped down from his mountaintop, got her pregnant, and while he was at it, granted her eternal life and youth.

Kolek creating the universe.

The Moronite gods and goddesses bore a certain resemblance to the Olympian deities, though that was mostly when it came to hooking up. The earliest god was Kolek, who was the original god who created everything. He was undoubtedly the oldest of the gods, but even he wasn’t sure how old, since he’d spent a great deal of time before there was time, so there was no way to know how long he’d lived before there was a way to measure it. He created by universe mostly out of boredom. Every so often he’d get bored, start masturbating, and ejaculate a galaxy.

After a few million years, he even got tired of that, so he ejaculated a daughter to keep him company. Naturally, being a god, he married her once she was grown (which wasn’t very long, since she was born full grown), but he still waited a few hundred years before he started screwing her. Just to be safe, you see. Even someone who’s born as an adult still needs to hang around for at least 18 years before they start fucking. It’s just a rule.

A priestess participating in the thanksgiving ritual with a Moronite worshipper.

Getting his daughter, whose name was Kanzeki, knocked up, which he’d quickly decided would be a lot less painful than ejaculating any more fully grown gods or goddesses out of his giant prick, he became the father of Oroyna and Nalima, the fraternal twin deities who were immediately given dominion over the earth.

There were already people there. Kolek hadn’t bothered to create them, it just took him so long to get back to the place after he first ejaculated the Milky Way into existence that they’d evolved on their own. He was more of a Deist sort of god. “There, I’ve made you, do whatever, I’ve got other stuff to do, so maybe I’ll pop in again in a few million years and see how you’re getting on, but, mostly, you’re on your on, so don’t fuck it up.”

Being gods and twins, Oroyna and Nalima naturally married each other, and quickly started popping out a few more sets of twin deities, who also married each other. If this sound sort of incestuous, well, that seems to be how gods work. They were always marrying their sisters or their daughters.

If you want the full story, your best option is to read the book. It’s on sale now at Lot’s Cave.

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Always a New Story

Writers, as someone once said, write. With They All Cum at Carlisle’s finished, I naturally started right in on something new. One Room is a bit of a departure for me. There are only two important characters, and they’re not even related. No more related than any other two people, at least, which is generally not that close.

Considering that the last four books all had an incest theme, why doesn’t this one? Simple answer: the plan is to publish it for Kindle, and Amazon doesn’t allow incest. Not once they notice it, anyway. They don’t seem to care if people are screwing everybody in the vicinity, but they can’t be related. But just let them be related and the next thing you know the book is blocked. Worse, they’ve been known to decide to simply close the account and keep the money.

I have mixed feelings about that. I abhor the idea of censorship, but strictly speaking what Amazon is doing isn’t. Censorship is when the government tells you what you can write or publish. If you want to write fiction about incest, the government officially doesn’t give a damn. They don’t even care if you make it about kids, as long as they’re imaginary. I can’t think of many publishers who’d be okay with anyone under eighteen, mind you, except for the big mainstream publishers, when the book is about feelings, and psychology, and a great deal of pretentious silliness and any sex is just incidental, or is going to be massively punished. Actual porn publishers tend to be more responsible.

Unused illustration for The Gods Are Horny. It proved to be less trouble to leave the drawings out.

Anyway, the Canadians do seem to care about how old imaginary people are, and you never know where your customers are coming from, so I don’t put anyone in my stories unless they’re old enough to vote. At one time, I’d have said old enough to drink, but it seems that someone decided drinking required greater maturity and judgment than voting. After the last election, I can almost agree with them, except it was apparently the more mature citizens who acted like idiots and voted in a complete whack job.

The point is, Amazon isn’t the government, it’s a private company, so they get to decide what they want to sell. If they don’t want to sell fiction that includes incest, bestiality, or underage sex, and their stockholders don’t vote to overrule that policy, then anyone writing fiction for the Kindle platform just has to conform. It’s not like we’re really barred from the Kindle itself. Other companies sell books in Mobi format, so they can be easily loaded into the reader. And it’s not that difficult to write sex stories where the people aren’t related. People might be surprised to discover how often “incest” stories are repurposed from non-relative stories. (Back when Amazon was still selling them, I did a few that way, but using a different pen name.)

Every so often, I like to emphasize that I write fiction. I’m arguably fictional myself. It’s my life, but there may be a bit of exaggeration and fantasy involved in the memories. There may be a great deal of it. But sex in an Amtrak roomette, among other things, is definitely something I recommend. At least, as long as you don’t make too much noise. There’s not much in the way of sound insulation into the passageway. And I certainly do love the taste of an excited pussy.

Yum. These two will be in my member’s area once it’s open.

Since One Room is intended for Amazon, it will probably be on sale much more quickly than Carlisle’s. It’s shorter, for one thing. And Lot’s Cave, the publisher for most of my books, does a lot more work getting these ready, since they’re publishing them in multiple formats while Amazon only has to convert into one, and that’s just about entirely automated. I may do several of these short works, just to see if I can get some extra money coming in, while I plot out something longer for my primary market.

What’s One Room about? Well, you know how sometimes you’re on a business trip and there’s a convention in town and the hotel gets the reservation screwed up? Yep, coworkers having to share a room, nobody brought PJs, since they expected to have their own rooms, Marion is a hot redhead, and Bill has a ten-inch cock. What could possibly happen in a situation like that?

(Edited Sep 21, 2017 to add links)

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Hard Help is Good to Find

I’m not entirely hopeless when it comes to electronics, but I figured out a while back that it’s usually easier to get someone who knows what he’s doing for anything complicated. That includes building websites, installing blogs, and other web-related things. Fortunately, Jim was available, and at a very reasonable price, considering how hard I’ve worked him.

Not the keyboard I have, but I really, really want this one!

Of course, I do my best to provide him with a warm, friendly workplace. He does all this on my home computer. Being a writer, and growing up in the days when we used real typewriters, I learned how to type when I was quite young. So I naturally prefer an actual keyboard, and not the flat monstrosity you find on a laptop, with that idiotic touch pad just getting in the way. Why it’s never occurred to anyone to put that damned thing at the top is beyond me.

Anyway, I have a desktop setup. The system was designed for gamers, which means it’s way overpowered for what I use it for. But, as Jim told me a while back, you can never have too much memory, especially for graphics. He has a laptop he takes around to clients, but he downloaded the web software onto my system and works on that.

Not me, but you’d find yourself inspired to work harder seeing this, wouldn’t you?

If you’ve been reading my books (and, if you haven’t, why haven’t you?), you may have noticed I sometimes take vacations at nudist resorts. The truth is, I’m just as comfortable naked as clothed, particularly when I’m at home. Jim doesn’t seem to mind if I run around naked while he’s working. Often, if I’ve got him working late, I can talk him into working the same way. He’s an older guy, but I can’t complain about the way he looks naked. And he seems to respond to me, even if all I’m doing is looking over his shoulder at the computer screen and rubbing my tits on his back.

I mentioned that he works cheap. I get him for less than half what he usually charges for the work he’s been doing. But I give him a little bonus whenever I can. He gets to see me naked. Sometimes he gets to see me playing with myself. Because, honestly, I absolutely love playing with myself. I’ve still got that old, souvenir miniature baseball bat I’ve been using for a dildo since high school. When I start playing with that thing, Jim’s typing slows way down, and a lot of the time it stops altogether and he’ll start jerking off while he watches me. I love that. I makes me feel good to inspire that in any man.

Yummy. (No, not me, either.)

Well, I do feel that such dedication should be rewarded. There’s hardly a day goes by when I don’t provide a bonus blow job. Sometimes, if I’ve kept him really late, I’ll take him into my room and fuck him.

Did I mention he’s got a really nice cock.

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Naughty Patriarchs

Cheerleaders and Bible study daisy chains. What a kinky life it’s been.

I attended a private Christian high school, which, to protect the guilty, I’ll continue to refer to as the Jesus Loves America Christian High School, or “JLA,” as I did in the first volume of my memoirs, The Life of Lauren. That’s not the school’s real name, of course, but the real one was just as silly.  The place was more or less what you’d expect. Lot’s of moralizing, cheerleader uniforms that would have been right at home in 1940 (worn over tap pants, just in case), and a lot of illicit sex that everyone pretended wasn’t happening. Like the time my friend, Rhonda, caught the boys’ gym teacher and Miss Simmons, our English Lit teacher, sixty-nining under the gym bleachers.

It was also the school where I was awarded five swats across my bare ass with the principal’s paddle for blasphemy, of all things. I made the mistake of saying that Darwin made sense, which in that school was considered the same as saying that God wasn’t real. The people who ran the school were young-earth creationists. From what I gather, they still are.  Old Mr. Fartface (his real name was Farthingale) was a bit of a perv, if you ask me.  When he swatted me, he had me bent over his desk, and he was the one who flipped my skirt up over my back and pulled my panties down to my knees so that he could swat my bare rump. He kept me that way for quite a while after he was done with the paddling, too.

It’s not my bare rump, but it’s a very nice bare rump.

Did I mention there was no one else in the office. I always figured he was squatting back there, studying my pussy, and maybe even jerking off. At least this was before digital cameras, which can be set to take pictures without making a sound, so I know he wasn’t doing that.

I was a cheerleader. When we were seniors, past our eighteenth birthdays, we used to gather after football games for what we always told our parents were Bible study sessions. They approved of that sort of thing. Sometimes, we even got out our Bibles and did some studying. Mostly, we just had our little cheerleader lesbian orgies. But I’m not going to get into that here. If you want to read about what happened at those, and at a reunion a few years later, you should buy the book.

No, here I’m going to look at some of the stuff we got into when we actually did open up our Bibles and do some studying. If you’re someone who’s interested in kinky sex, there’s no better place to start looking.

The first thing we came up with was that Adam and Eve were siblings. I know, that sounds a bit out there, but think about it. Eve was made from one of Adam’s ribs (Gen. 2:22), which means that she was genetically almost identical. Obviously, God was the first GMO creator, since he’d have had to modify Eve by eliminating Adam’s “Y” chromosome and making her a double-“X”, or he really would have created Adam and Steve. But, despite that, they would have had the same genetic affinity as any brother and sister. So, in that sense, Adam married his sister (or maybe himself?), and the entire human race is descended from an initial incestuous coupling.

Then there’s the question of just who Adam and Eve’s sons married. Genesis says that they had sons and daughters, but since there was, presumably, no one else around except those sons and daughters, they obviously had to marry each other, so the incest carried on through the second generation of humanity. Even in the third generation, you couldn’t get further apart than a first cousin, and there were probably still a lot of brother-sister unions. No real rules on that yet, remember. And you would have run into a similar bottleneck with inbreeding after the Flood, when all you had was Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives. At best, it was back to nothing but first cousins again, and likely a few sibling unions until the population could build itself up again.

Okay, it probably wasn’t like that in reality, since Adam and Eve, and Noah and his family, weren’t real people anyway. Nor was there ever a “first” human being. At some point in the evolutionary chain an ancestor became what we’d call a human today, but it was an incremental step, not a leap from one species to another. There would have been hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of generations between the “pre-human” and the “human” before they were so different they could no longer mate with each other and produce viable offspring. For a very long time they’d be like horses and donkeys, still closely related enough to mate and produce a hybrid mule, but far enough apart that the mule is sterile. It would take a lot longer until you had humans and apes, who still could presumably mate, but the mating could never result in a pregnancy (except, maybe, in a few conspiracy nuts’ imaginations).

But, back to the Bible, the Dirty Parts. The three major western religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all trace their origin back to Abraham, and the first two to Abraham and Sarah (Islam, or Arabs, at least, trace their line back to Abraham and Hagar). This is interesting, because the Bible states very clearly that Sarah was Abraham’s half-sister, which is incest no matter how you look at it. Even in the weird, the child is really only the father’s product, the mother just provides a place for the seed to grow, biological fallacy espoused by the biblical writers. Abraham states, “She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.” (Gen. 20:12)  I guess things were a little different back in Ur, before Abram became Abraham.

Not one of Lot’s daughters, but she does dwell in my members’ area.

It was also around this time that Lot was screwing both of his daughters in a cave somewhere around Zoar. Genesis gives the excuse that they thought the world had ended, and there was no one else left, so the two girls got their father drunk and had sex with him when he wouldn’t realize what had happened. Personally, I’m not buying it. I’ve been around a few guys who were so smashed they didn’t know what they were doing, and memory isn’t the only thing alcohol takes away. By the time you’re that drunk, nothing will be rising until you’ve sobered up again. The “he perceived not when she lay down” thing is just a whitewash. He knew who it was, and he knew what he was doing. The whole thing has always struck me as a lot of making excuses for what is, after all, probably nothing more than a myth.

This was supposed to be an illustration for The Gods Are Horny, but we didn’t use it. It fits Killjoy’s idea of the tower of blessing, though.

Of course, if you’re really looking for the dirty parts, read Song of Solomon, or Song of Songs, whichever you prefer to call it. Rev. Killjoy always claimed this was a beautiful allegory about Christ’s love for his flock, but, I have to be honest with you, it’s mostly about fucking. Rev. Killjoy, you may recall if you’ve read the book, also believed in sharing the “tower of blessing” with the prettier high school seniors, so they could receive the “divine anointing” after they’d paid proper homage to it.

You don’t recall that? Buy the bloody book.

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