Hard Help is Good to Find

I’m not entirely hopeless when it comes to electronics, but I figured out a while back that it’s usually easier to get someone who knows what he’s doing for anything complicated. That includes building websites, installing blogs, and other web-related things. Fortunately, Jim was available, and at a very reasonable price, considering how hard I’ve worked him.

Not the keyboard I have, but I really, really want this one!

Of course, I do my best to provide him with a warm, friendly workplace. He does all this on my home computer. Being a writer, and growing up in the days when we used real typewriters, I learned how to type when I was quite young. So I naturally prefer an actual keyboard, and not the flat monstrosity you find on a laptop, with that idiotic touch pad just getting in the way. Why it’s never occurred to anyone to put that damned thing at the top is beyond me.

Anyway, I have a desktop setup. The system was designed for gamers, which means it’s way overpowered for what I use it for. But, as Jim told me a while back, you can never have too much memory, especially for graphics. He has a laptop he takes around to clients, but he downloaded the web software onto my system and works on that.

Not me, but you’d find yourself inspired to work harder seeing this, wouldn’t you?

If you’ve been reading my books (and, if you haven’t, why haven’t you?), you may have noticed I sometimes take vacations at nudist resorts. The truth is, I’m just as comfortable naked as clothed, particularly when I’m at home. Jim doesn’t seem to mind if I run around naked while he’s working. Often, if I’ve got him working late, I can talk him into working the same way. He’s an older guy, but I can’t complain about the way he looks naked. And he seems to respond to me, even if all I’m doing is looking over his shoulder at the computer screen and rubbing my tits on his back.

I mentioned that he works cheap. I get him for less than half what he usually charges for the work he’s been doing. But I give him a little bonus whenever I can. He gets to see me naked. Sometimes he gets to see me playing with myself. Because, honestly, I absolutely love playing with myself. I’ve still got that old, souvenir miniature baseball bat I’ve been using for a dildo since high school. When I start playing with that thing, Jim’s typing slows way down, and a lot of the time it stops altogether and he’ll start jerking off while he watches me. I love that. I makes me feel good to inspire that in any man.

Yummy. (No, not me, either.)

Well, I do feel that such dedication should be rewarded. There’s hardly a day goes by when I don’t provide a bonus blow job. Sometimes, if I’ve kept him really late, I’ll take him into my room and fuck him.

Did I mention he’s got a really nice cock.

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