So, just what did you expect me to be doing at midnight on New Year’s Eve? Okay, sure, that’s not me in the picture, but I find it inspiring, and I plan to bring in the new year just as naked, and doing pretty much the same thing. I’m not wandering over to Times Square. There’s just too much of a hassle these days, with security check points and all the other nuisances. I suppose they may deter terrorists attacks, but life was a lot easier when you could just walk over there and join the crowd. No, I’ll just stay here in my apartment and play with myself. With any luck at all, when the ball drops in Times Square I’ll be in the middle of a massive orgasm.
What do I have planned for 2018? I’ll be writing more, obviously. I’m currently working on The Erotic Adventures of a Lady’s Maid. This is supposed to one of the books written by Maureen O’Leary, the maid in Lust for Blood. No vampires in this one, obviously; just a lot of sex. Lots and lots of sex.
As you may recall from Lust for Blood, Maureen’s sexual exploits tended towards self-pleasuring and lesbian interludes with her employer and her employer’s best friend. Cecily Margaret Freelove (pronounced Freh’-liv), the heroine of The Erotic Adventures of a Lady’s Maid, isn’t quite so exclusive. She certainly enjoys masturbating, spending a good part of the train trip to her new job with her skirts up around her waist and her fingers working on her pussy, but she also enjoys ordinary, heterosexual fucking. Perhaps needless to say, she also tends to get it on with her mistress, an aristocratic lady who is still quite slim and beautiful at 35.
What lady doesn’t enjoy diddling herself until she’s cum a few times? Sure, you’ll find a few religious types who think the whole idea of an orgasm is something horrible and evil, but, put bluntly, those people are fucking crazy. Women enjoy cumming. So do men, I’m told, but they’re a bit more limited in how much pleasure they can derive from masturbating because men, most of them, can only cum once and then they have to stop and rest, while a woman can just keep going. I figure I’m usually good for a minimum of four orgasms per session, and that’s when I don’t have a lot of time to put into the exercise.
It’s nights such as this when I sometimes think I might claim my computer has stopped working and call Jim to come over and fix it. There’s nothing wrong with my computer, but Jim has a great dick, and it feels so fucking good when he’s working it in and out of my cunt. I find that, at this stage of life, I enjoy screwing a lot more than I did when I was younger and had to worry about getting accidentally knocked up. Now I can fuck all I like and there’s essentially no chance in hell of getting pregnant.
It might do some Washington people a world of good to get laid more often. I mean, I know a lot of Republicans are like my mother, and figure sex is evil, something foisted upon humanity by the Devil, and to be avoided at all costs. But Republicans also seem to think that poverty is good for you, and do their damnedest to keep everyone except the rich people they work for poor. Maybe if they got laid more often they’d be happier and more inclined to actually give a shit about their constituents.