You did know that porn and erotic literature are at stake in this election, didn’t you? The Republicans are in thrall to big business and big religion, and would like nothing more than to present their masters with a chance to accomplish all of their goals. For business, this would include things such as eliminating all defined-benefit pensions, ending anti-pollution measures, and getting rid of OSHA.

For the religious, it would mean making the fundamentalist Christian  version of morality the standard for the entire country. Let’s face it, fundamentalists and evangelicals tend to hew to an old Puritan stereotype, the fear that somehow, somewhere, someone may be having fun. They’ve been trying to get rid of erotica of all sorts for years. It the Republicans can maintain a majority in the House and Senate, they’ll be able to continue appointing judges whose loyalty to Christian mythology is a good bit stronger than their loyalty to the Constitution.

So get your asses to the polls and vote. I’m going to suggest you vote for the Democrat and, for cryin’ out loud, do not vote for a third-party candidate. That’s how Republicans win.


DESIRE (Sonnet II)

O, thou dearest object of desire,
Perfection’s form to worship from afar,
Dare I approach thine incandescent fire,
Or kneel before thee, brightly shining star?
As I behold thee tenderly unfold
Thy secret place of pleasure’s sweet repose,
I would that my poor tongue might be so bold,
As there to deeply seek, and lust expose.
Deep probing pleasure not to be delay’d,
With virile simulacra thrusting true,
My jealous soul doth clamor thus to trade,
Thy vinyl love for all I’d wish to do.
Dear fantasy, thou art perfection’s gift,
Whose beauty doth my heated soul uplift.

I find beauty inspiring. The young lady in the photo inspired the sonnet. It’s all fantasy, to be sure. The photo is posed. For all I could say, the young lady succumbing to a vinyl-inspired orgasm may actually have been bored out of her mind.

I don’t actually care. I deal in fantasy. I am, largely, a fantasy myself. How much of the real Lauren appears in what I write? Some, certainly. Since this is being posted at the end of International Blasphemy Day, I suppose it won’t hurt to admit that the general dislike of organized religion is part of the real me. I don’t hate God, obviously, I just don’t see any evidence there is one. It’s hardly a secret I tend to think most big-time evangelists are nothing more than con artists. Marjoe really was an accurate documentary, and while there aren’t as many traveling revivalist con-artists today, the breed lives on after moving from tent to television and continues to take their victims for as much as they can wring from them.

I’m going to keep up the poetry, though I can’t promise to write something daily. If I’m to judge by blog stats, people seem to like it. Or, at least, they’re interested enough to check it out, resulting in a significant increase in visitors.

Naturally, while you’re here, I’ll urge you to wander over to my author’s page on Lot’s Cave and check out my books and stories.

A Sonnet



I look on thee, and find thee very fair,
Thy form so pleasantly stretch’d on thy bed,
The sunlight through the window on thy hair,
With cuntly thatch as scarlet as thy head.
So languidly thy hand doth beckon me,
To worship at the altar of thy quim,
As thou dost part thy lips that I might see,
That sanctum thou shalt never give to him.
My dress I leave bepooléd on the floor,
Thy perfect breasts I worship with my lips,
Thy cunt my tongue now trembles to adore,
Thy pungent nectar welling to my sips.
O sister, twin of mine, I love thee dear,
As tongues in quims bring ecstasy so near.

Sonnets are a little trickier than free verse. You have to follow a strict rhyme pattern and, at least generally, write everything in iambic pentameter.  Erotic content is optional.

I’ll admit, there’s a personal element to the poem. I’m rather fond of the taste of an aroused pussy, and I’m even more fond of when the owner of that pussy is busy licking mine while I’m licking hers. I plan to continue enjoying this as long as I’m able. It’s good to be single. I can have sex with whomever I like, presuming they’re similarly inclined. Some of my lovers have pussies, and some of them have cocks. I’m flexible that way.



Some Poetry

I don’t write a lot of poetry. Still, in time, I do expect to have enough to publish a book that no one will read. I’m being honest there. Hundreds of poetry collections are published annually and their total sales hardly reach the figures of some truly horrendous romance titles.

Anyway, here’s a little free verse (that means it doesn’t rhyme or follow any set pattern) poem called “My Brother’s Cock.” It’s the sort of thing that you’d hear down in the Village back in the ’60s, usually with bongos in the background.

My Brother’s Cock

Ever rising,
Flesh towering o’er golden thatch,
Rampant power,
Sibling’s delight,
My brother’s cock,
Purple knob twixt open lips,
Filling my mouth,
Head bobbing,
Rod of steel,
Animal heat consuming,
My clit on fire with his touch,
His magic cock
Filling my mouth,
Sliding in,
Sliding out,
Flesh gliding wetly,
Tongue swirling,
Deep, deep kisses,
Fuck society,
Fuck stupid rules,
Our lust predominates,
His cum bursts forth,
Filling my mouth,
Taste of salty nectar,
Spilling out,
Drops on chin,
Splash on tits,
I hold him in,
Keep him up,
His fingers probing deep within my cunt.
With sudden thrust
I push him back,
Down on the floor,
Giant rod rising,
Soon deep inside,
I fuck my bro,
Our secret ritual,
My cunt alive,
Pulsing with lust,
Drawing him in,
Keep him up,
Tightly squeeze,
Feel him now,
Feel him grow,
Shooting forth,
Gushing within me,
Sensation growing,
Body shaking,
Hard to breathe,
I collapse in joy as he subsides.

When I write stuff like this I feel like I should be wearing sneakers, black slacks, a black turtleneck with an ankh necklace, and a beret. Tight turtleneck, and no bra. Sort of a depraved Laura Petrie look (that was Mary Tyler Moore on the old Dick Van Dyke Show, for you youngsters). Or a young, depraved Diana Rigg, which might be a better metaphor, since Dame Diana has done depraved to perfection in more than one role.

I do still have some ankh jewelry. I love the symbolism. The ancient Egyptian symbol of life, as they like to tell you. Think of the arms as round and the origin becomes clearer. It’s basically a cunt sitting on top of a cock and balls.

I should now go write something profound. Or raunchy. I can never seem to make up my mind about that. Maybe something profoundly raunchy?

Writing Sex for the River People

I have to admit I’m often a little frustrated by Amazon. So far, I have exactly two books in their system. Both are distinguished by the relationship between their characters. That is to say, their characters aren’t related at all. Not if they’re having sex with each other.

The characters in One Room are business associates, forced to share a hotel room because of a convention in town. According to one review, the story is a polemic against Christianity. The conventioneers are evangelicals, and one of the preachers does a little groping in the elevator. Two or three paragraphs, I’m thinking, do not a polemic make. This particular preacher is an asshole, which a surprising number of them are, but it’s just a passing incident and hardly different than if I’d made the jerk a Shriner or an Elk at a convention. People are known to misbehave when they’re in a town where no one knows them.

The main point here, of course, is that you can write about sex and publish the story on Amazon, but you have to be careful about how you do it. No one under eighteen can be involved in anything sexual. Incest is right out. No sex with animals, except maybe werewolves, but only when they’re human.

This is a good example of something you can’t do on Amazon. The title alone will likely get the book thrown into “blocked” status, since it certainly implies there’s incest going on. It might even get blocked for something as innocent as the author’s pen name. And, of course, there’s simply no way that cover illustration is ever going to be allowed. There are naked boobs! Children might be watching, for fuck sake! Mind you, I sort of like that effect. Even though it’s a photograph, it has the look of those old painted covers that once adorned the better sort of one-off porn novels hidden behind the counter at the smoke shop.

I’ll be honest, an author might get away with this for a while. Amazon has humans who can pass final judgment on the titles they allow, but initially you’re dealing with bots, and bots may not catch the boobs, the implication of the title, or the “cuss word” in the author’s name (I wonder if I should use that one on a title or two, but maybe change it to “Randi”). In any case, they’ll eventually catch you, and while they probably won’t ban a commercial publisher who tries to slip in an incest title from time to time, they’re a lot more likely to do so to a self-published author.

If one were to use this old Victorian photo as the basis of a story, some routes would be just fine at Amazon, while others would definitely not be. If the story suggests that this is a Victorian gentleman enjoying the company of a pair of filles de joi from the local brothel, it would probably pass muster. On the other hand, if your story implies that this is young Lord Humpe, passing the time by nibbling on his sister’s cunt while his other sister plays with his generative member, it won’t be long for the list. In actual fact, I have no idea who these people were, though a pimp and two of his stable would likely be a safe enough guess. About the only thing I can say for sure is that it’s a studio shot, since real Victorian houses didn’t have painted canvas walls behind the sofa.

You could not, in any case, actually use the photo in your book, or on the cover. Not only are there naked boobs, there’s also a naked dick. There’s a good chance they wouldn’t even allow that inside the book.

This is another good example of a book you won’t find on Amazon. You will, naturally, find it on Lot’s Cave, and on several other online marketplaces. The cover, curiously enough, might just pass muster at the river site, the model’s breasts being sufficiently covered by her hair, but the subject matter would never make it. It’s a pretty good little book, in my personal opinion, though I suppose you could argue I might be slightly prejudiced in its favor. I got a little experimental with this one, keeping the story flowing, but changing the narrator, so you end up with a continuous first-person story told by four different people. I think it works rather nicely.



Cover Design and Naughty Literature

Books need covers. Even books that never appear in physical form, which the majority of mine don’t. But where to get the covers?

This one came from Lot’s Cave, which is where the majority spring from. Sis and Her Friend is filled with the same incestuous behavior as are the bulk of my books. The bulk written under this particular name, at least. These are the easy covers. I just send them the manuscript and they take it from there, formatting the file for various outlets, and commissioning a cover design. It takes a few weeks this way, but the finished product seems worth the wait.

There are a couple of exceptions, naturally. Two of my books were written for a more mainstream audience. Mostly, that means nobody is fucking a sibling or parent. Amazon won’t carry books where that sort of thing is going on. They seem to be okay with characters fucking unrelated people, though, as long as everyone is an adult. They don’t allow any underage sex, and that’s probably as it should be, even if it makes writing “high school” sex stories a bit predictable, since everyone has to be a senior.

The cover for One Room, which was done by the nice people at C.E.B. Pubs (who publish my Amazon-rated books), was one where I had a bit more input. Some things are obvious about this one. To begin with, the model is wearing sexy lingerie, but everything is still modestly covered up. You can’t have naked tits on Amazon’s bookshelf. I’ve often thought it would be nice if you could, as nudity sells more books than semi-nudity.

For this book, I selected the photo from a set I’d purchased for my website. The full set ended up in the members’ section, where, so far as I can tell, no one has ever seen the rest of them. I’m seriously thinking of shutting down that section. I don’t have the money to make it big and comprehensive, and not too many people want to spend the money on a subscription when there isn’t very much material there.

I have to suspect that I might sell a few more copies of the book if I could put this image on the cover instead of the one that was used. But I can’t. I have to use what the sellers will allow and, again, I’m not in a position to become a major publisher and sell my own books through a big on-line store.

I’ll admit I had a little help with this one. The girl holding the candelabra is a stock photo, and the license says we can’t sell more than 50,000 copies of the book without paying an additional fee. So far, I’m afraid, there’s very little danger it’s going to cost any more. The blood dripping down at the top is another stock photo, superimposed on the first. Then that background image was imported into InDesign, where the title and my name were added.

This one, unlike the others, also had to be made in a high-resolution version suitable for print reproduction. Lust for Blood is currently available in Kindle, ePub, print, and audiobook editions. That almost wasn’t possible, by the way. Originally it had a bit of incest added to the mix. Somewhere along the line I realized it was potentially a more mainstream title, so the incest came out. Lord Muntglare and his sister, Lady Anna, may still end up naked in his photographic studio, but she only has sex with her friend, Suzanne, and it’s their guest his lordship jerks off over. A simple change such as that is the difference between a book that can be sold on Amazon and one that can’t.

I can’t help thinking this shot would make a great cover for the book I’m currently writing, but I’m afraid it would be too limiting when it comes to markets. I’m fairly sure this will be another Lot’s Cave title, since it contains some obvious fetish content, and may include a certain amount of incest as well (I haven’t got quite that far yet, but I think it’s coming). Even with some carefully-placed text, I don’t think Amazon would ever allow that image.

It Depends on How You Look At It

My latest release from Lot’s Cave is Sis and Her Friend. It has all the most popular elements. A set of 18-year-old, brother-sister twins, cheerleaders, group sex, and a horny mom getting it on with her kids. Obviously, this is one of those books that you won’t be seeing on Amazon.

I decided to go a little Rashomon on this one, though I didn’t ape Kurosawa to the extent of retelling the exact same incident from multiple viewpoints. Rather, the story unfolds in a continuous narrative, but each part of the narrative is told by a different narrator. This might be an interesting candidate for an audiobook, provided I could find four narrators who were willing to share the royalties. Well, two, at least. There’s one guy and three gals, but I suppose all three women could be voiced by the same person.

Speaking of audiobooks, Lust for Blood is progressing nicely. My publisher tells me that the narration should be done in a few days. What I’ve listened to so far sounds pretty good. I’ve also added a few more outlets for the ebook, as I’ve added a Lot’s Cave edition to the one published by C.E.B. Pubs. To be honest, while there’s a lot of sex in Lust for Blood, it’s still tame enough to be allowed on Amazon, so Lot’s Cave is doing this more as a courtesy than because it really fits their usual catalogue. Not a bit of incest to be found. It does have its share of lesbians, servant sex, randy aristocrats, and a few vampires to keep the reader occupied. There’s just no one screwing any close relatives.


Catching Up

I obviously should write in this blog more often. I realized recently that I’d had nothing to say since Darwin Day, while quite a lot has happened since then. The audiobook version of One Room seems to be languishing, with the sound files long past due. I suppose that means I need to ask my publisher to cancel the contract and find another narrator for that story.

It’s another story with Lust for Blood. The audio version of that is coming along nicely, with only ten chapters left to go. My publisher has been sending me the audio files as they’re received. It’s going to be a nice audiobook, presuming no one at Audible suddenly decides it’s too racy or something.

In other developments, Sis and her Friend should be out before much longer. I don’t have a lot of control on scheduling for the books that will carry the #TooHotForAmazon tag. The tamer stuff comes out a lot faster than the incest stories.

Just now, I’m working on a new story, with incidents starting as a high school senior (because, you know, all characters have to be at least eighteen), and continuing from there. It’s not quite the book an early fan suggested, but it’s sometimes headed in that direction. The original suggestion was a book about women who could pee standing up. Some are good at this; some are not. I’m only really good at it when I’m writing. In actual practice it’s more likely to go down my leg.

This young lady seems to have the knack for it. My story does include a certain amount of outdoor peeing. And indoor peeing. I have no idea if this girl has ever peed on Fearless Leader, though I’d suspect not. There’s not much point in speculating on a model’s actual personality anyway. The stories I write are fiction, even if there may be a bit of reality here and there. The girl in the picture is a professional model, I paid to use her pictures, and that’s about all I can say about her. That’s a combination of a licensing stipulation and the fact that, really, I don’t know anything about her to begin with.

I’ll admit I’m suffering from a bit of writer’s block at the moment, lying on the floor of a school friend’s family room with my tongue in her pussy. I’ll figure it out. Since it’s a pee story, or possibly a pee book, I have to presume continuing is going to mean someone gets peed on.

You’ll just have to wait and see.



International Darwin Day

In 1859, Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. The world really hasn’t been the same since. Darwin’s book laid down the basic principles of evolution. Or, perhaps, it might better be said that he organized existing principles into a unified theory. Evolution wasn’t new with Darwin. His own grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, had written on the subject. So had others.

What Darwin did was put it all together. He then sat on it for years, only finally collecting all his ideas into a publishable whole after receiving a manuscript from Alfred Russell Wallace, whose own theory closely matched his own. It has been suggested that Darwin’s tardiness in publishing had a lot to do with his wife, who was quite religious. Concern for his wife’s feelings has also been cited as the reason Darwin was reluctant to make public statements about his own atheism.

If you haven’t guessed by now, this is going to be one of those serious posts. Sex is involved, certainly, for that is the general means through which evolutionary changes are transmitted. It’s just not the main thrust of the essay.

Some people, my own mother among them, hate the very idea of evolution. Their concept of human origins begins and ends with Genesis, so anything that suggests this isn’t how it happened is simply ignored. You can’t entirely blame Christians for this attitude, of course. If Adam and Eve weren’t real people, and the events chronicled in Genesis never actually happened, then there’s no reason for their religion to even exist. The whole thrust of Christian belief in Jesus is that his willing sacrifice served to atone for original sin. If there was no Fall, no forbidden fruit, no garden, no first man and woman, then there is also no original sin to atone for.

Original sin is a weird idea to begin with. It was apparently something Paul thought up, because I’ve spoken to a number of rabbis and they all agree that it’s not a Jewish concept. Neither is hell, for that matter. There doesn’t seem to be any fixed notion of what comes after death, but they all seem fairly sure it isn’t eternal punishment. More of a three-part set of vague possibilities, consisting of heaven (or maybe reincarnation), a one-year or shorter sentence in Gehenna, or complete oblivion and it’s as if you never existed.

Evolutionary scientists today tell us that there was never a first man or woman in the sense of a first male or female member of our exact species. At some point along a scale including millions of generations we gradually evolved from earlier forms. And, while we are presumably a discrete species today, and would be unable to mate with, say, Homo erectus and produce fertile offspring, that doesn’t mean there wasn’t some point along the evolutionary trail where the current version of humanity couldn’t have successfully mated with those on either end of the generational trail. There’s no reason, really, to even think that both sexes reached the same stages of development at the same time. As long as they got there within a few hundred generations of each other there’d be no problems with reproducing.

It’s like the chicken/egg question. The only really logical answer is the egg, since whatever chickens were before they became unquestionably chickens was still a bird and still laid eggs.

There are those who like to argue that order cannot arise from chaos. They think of evolution as just a lot of random events, and argue that the odds of them all coming together are simply too high to be possible. The “747 assembled from a junkyard by a tornado” analogy is a common one. But that’s not how it works. Evolution doesn’t just gather up all of these random parts and toss them together. It’s a cumulative process, occurring over thousands of generations. Some mutations prove to be useful and, if they give the carrier a slight advantage over others when it comes to reproduction, they can be incorporated into following generations. If they’re not useful, they tend to die out. There’s none of this X-Men, sudden ridiculous superhuman abilities sort of thing. Several million years ago, our ancestors were as hairy as any modern great ape. Over the generations we lost most of that hair, probably because we didn’t really need it, or perhaps because less hairy individuals were thought of as more attractive and were therefore more sought after as mates.

I can think of several of my female friends who would welcome a genetic mutation that finally eliminated all body hair except what’s on top of their heads. Perhaps, one day, this will come to be. For now, they just have to shave, wax, or use some other technique to get rid of unwanted body hair.

When an anti-evolutionist uses that 747 tale as an argument in favor of “intelligent design,” he’s really arguing against himself. Intelligent Design argues that whatever we see today was made just as it is, by a brilliant designer, who always turns out to be God. The thing is, when they throw in the 747, they’re rather forgetting that if you applied intelligent design principles to the question, you’d expect the Wright brothers would have designed and built a 747 in their bicycle shop in 1903, and not wasted all those years as airplanes evolved from what was, essentially, just a powered glider.

Evolution is a theory. That means it’s been proven about as thoroughly as possible given contemporary scientific capabilities. Theories are, in science, essentially facts. It’s simply that a basic tenet of science is that any theory has to be falsifiable. There has to be something that could prove it wrong, which means that even the most robust theories, like evolution and gravity, are always subject to revision in the face of new evidence. The proverbial Devonian rabbit, for example. This is why God has never risen to the level of a theory. There’s simply no possible way to prove that he exists, or that he doesn’t, because the very definition of God includes being outside of time and space.

By the way, if you get someone telling you a theory isn’t a law, point out that, no, a theory is a higher classification. A law is something that will always produce the same results under the same conditions, so Newton’s laws of motion are laws because they always work, but they’re only a part of the theory of gravity, which includes them and a great deal more.  Science keeps getting closer. Einstein modified Newton, Hawking has modified both, and in the future other mathematicians and physicists will no doubt further refine the theory.

Personally, I accept evolution. Notice I said “accept” and not “believe in.” Evolution isn’t a belief, it just is. You either accept that this is how everything living today came to be, or you don’t. If you don’t, then I suppose you can watch a movie such as Is Genesis Real? without laughing your ass off while wondering where the hell these clowns got their PhDs.

Doing Sis and Other Writing

I finished a new story a couple days ago. I’m calling this one Sis and Her Friend, which no doubt tells you that it won’t be going to Amazon any time soon. I’ve sent it to Lot’s Cave, where no one has any trouble with a little fictional incest–or much anything else, for that matter. They may decide to submit it for Kindle, but I doubt it would be accepted. Any time your hero starts off masturbating with his sister, and ends up screwing his mother, it’s unlikely the story will pass muster with Amazon’s censors, who don’t care so much about legality–stories like that are completely legal, since they don’t involve real people–as they do about whether some reader will complain because Jesus told him not to do that. Hell, Amazon will turn down a book because there are tits on the cover. (That’s not the actual cover, by the way.)

People sometimes ask me why I write incest stories. Honestly, I write them because they sell. Sex stories sell in any case, but sex stories featuring close relatives sell even better. There are no doubt psychological reasons behind that. I’m not sure what they are, exactly. Perhaps the idea that sex is permitted, but sex with relatives isn’t. Not in our culture, at least. There are a number of countries where it’s perfectly legal to have sex with your parent, child, or sibling as long as everyone is an adult at the time. This is why “genuine” incest porn tends to come from places like Japan and France, where the restrictions involve marriage but not sex.

Obviously, not everything I write involves incest. Lust for Blood doesn’t, though there may be a moment here and there when you start to wonder if it’s going to. It very nearly did, until I realized I potentially had a mainstream novel on my hands. So the brief moments went away, or were modified to eliminate any genuine incest between Lord Muntglare and his sister and substitute, perhaps, something implied but not something you could be sure of. He’s photographed her naked, and he’s known for seducing his models, but whether there was anything untoward betwixt the noble siblings is never even mentioned.

Lady Anna, in any case, is far more interested in having sex with her school friend, Suzanne, or with her lady’s maid, than she is in bedding any man. Suzanne is more flexible, sleeping happily with Lady Anna, but apparently just as happily romping in the forest with the earl. She comes from the professional class, her father having been a barrister, but not the nobility, so perhaps she’s thinking in terms of her long-term financial security as much as of sexual satisfaction.

Or she may just be bi. You get to decide that when you read the story.

And I really wish that you would. It’s quite a good story, with a decidedly Victorian feel.