Arkansas Family Reunion
The Arkansas family gets together every year for 4 July, and this year Suzi turns 21 and can attend for the first time. Nobody wears clothes and everybody does everybody.
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One Room
Coworkers Marion and Bill have to share a hotel room on a business trip. Things go okay until bedtime, when Marion notices the size of Bill’s cock and has to have it.

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Undying Passions
The erotic adventures of a beautiful redhead who has lived through more than 6,000 years of human history. You can see a lot in all that time. You can also have a lot of sex. 85,000 words, $6.95

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Family Lovers & Naughty Schooldays
A scandalously sexy collection of short stories, originally pseudonymous, but now under my name. Too-close families and orgiastic college students and professors abound.

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Left on Their Own
When 19-year-old twins are left alone on the family farm all sorts of sexual shenanigans soon follow. $2.99

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My Erotic Life
An updated edition of my autobiography. Includes everything from the first four books, plus loads of sexy new material, from high school through now.
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Freaky Farmers
The triplets mix it up down by the creek, Niki and her brother show off for their peeping neighbor, and city visitors really connect with their horny country cousins.
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It’s All Relative
A fascinating collection of incestuous tales originally credited to a variety of pen names. There’s something here for almost every kinky taste.

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Sis and Her Friend
Jim and Emme were twins. One night they discovered each other sexually. Then Emme’s girlfriend made it a trio and before long their mom made it a foursome.
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Lust for Blood
On a rural English estate, the sexually-charged reunion of Lady Anna and her old school chum, Suzanne, is interrupted by a vampire. Lots of sex and Victorian gothic suspense. Kindle and paperback. 50,425 words. $2.99; $14.99

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My Brother, the Porn Star
Anne is hot as hell, her twin brother, Fred, has a 16-inch cock, and they both work in porn.
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Four friends take a trip to Tijuana to see the notorious donkey show. Tom is fucking his sister, Al has a mother fetish, and George will screw anybody, though he’s unaware the hooker sucking his cock in the night club has a dick of her own.
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